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Red Dot Award jury awards design and user-friendliness of MOOVER, an innovative product solution using solar energy to move pool covers

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The EDAG Group presents its development expertise to the who's who of the bike industry with the EDAG "Fast Track" bike and an e-Gravelbike made of…

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Fulda / Berlin

After passing her final exams, apprentice Hannah Mey was announced National Champion at the Chamber of Commerce awards ceremony in Berlin

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Wiesbaden / Paris

EDAG Group, Mitsubishi Chemical and Kreisel Electric present innovative lightweight battery housing

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Longstanding vehicle development expertise meets professional driving skills: Partnership between EDAG Group and SSR Performance GmbH enters the next…

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Raus aus der Kostenfalle

Rückrufe, Garantie- und Gewährleistungsfälle machen Fahrzeugherstellern zu schaffen – denn hier können enorme Kosten entstehen. Kritisch ist nicht nur die Frage, wie die Instandsetzung möglichst effizient abgewickelt werden kann. Sondern auch, wie die Ausfallquote dauerhaft gesenkt werden kann. Der EDAG-Kostenguide beleuchtet die wichtigsten Aspekte solcher Aftersales-Kosten und zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, das Übel an der Wurzel zu packen.

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Digital parking, charging and more

If, in the future, the roads are to belong more to people and less to cars, new ways must be found to simplify the search for free parking spaces. In an ideal world, there would at the same time also be a charging point available in the parking garage. The aim of the iLaPark project is to advance precisely this digital technology-based connection.

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A rocky road to Plug & Charge

Purchasers of electric cars have accepted that "refueling" takes longer than for a vehicle with a combustion engine. What is especially annoying, however, is when problems arise at the charging station, wasting even more time before the charging process even starts. Plug & Charge can help to remedy this situation. 

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Environmental assessments for MAN Buses

The German truck and bus manufacturer has drawn up detailed life cycle assessments of its vehicles and published the results in the form of environmental product declarations. Project partner EDAG took care of the data collection and analysis and of carrying out the life cycle assessment (LCA). The resulting environmental product declarations (EPD) can also provide the manufacturer with valuable advice for optimizing both the vehicles and the manufacturing processes and strategies.

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Looking inside the brain of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used in more and more areas of life and business. If it had not already happened before, it was the discussion about ChatGPT that finally confronted the general public with the question of the reliability and quality of the results of AI.

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Hi-Fi for all Seats

Having a high quality sound system in the car is not necessarily a guarantee for a good sound. The characteristics of the speakers, their installation in the vehicle and their directivity are just some of the variables that can affect the listening experience. Suitable measurement technology renders a useful service on the path to perfect sound tuning. There are different options here, each differing in its application.

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Solving Problems Before They Even Occur

Given the increasingly digital nature of our living and working environments and the ongoing digitalization of vehicles, aftersales in the automotive industry must also change. 

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Turbo for Innovative Bike Projects

Although the bicycle is enjoying a real boom, suppliers are under pressure from many different directions. EDAG's bike pros can help out with additional know-how and significantly reduce the time to market.

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High-Quality Input for AI from the Smartphone

More and more applications are leveraging the power of machine learning and neural networks for object recognition. However, how efficient artificial intelligence is at such tasks depends, among other things, on the quality of the training data.

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Tomorrow is great: Smart City

EDAG offers tailor-made services through to comprehensive smart city platforms to make cities more livable - by people for people.

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Industry focus

As an established engineering service provider, we support you with effective solutions to successfully meet the challenges of your markets.

Our industry focus

1969 Foundation

60 Locations worldwide

19 Countries

8412 Employees

33 Show cars

2015 IPO

3.5 Training rate in %

796.1 Million revenue

3 Capital expenditure as % on revenue

360° Vehicle Engineering competence

Take advantage of our expertise from 50 years of vehicle development! As engineering partner, we support you at every stage of the product development process. Find out now about our vehicle engineering competences.


Electric / Electronics

We are your partner for electrical and electronic development in the automotive sector.

Together we take vehicle technology to the next level!

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360° Production Engineering

We help you seize the opportunities offered by digitalisation and meet the complex expectations of sustainable production. More about EDAG as a sought-after partner for project management and networked production engineering can be found here.


Software & Digitalisation

With agile methods and digital services, we are always looking ahead: for the mobility and production facilities of tomorrow.
Click here to find out more about EDAG's software and digitalisation portfolio.

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Investor Relations at EDAG

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Innovation at EDAG

In a dynamic automotive market, we develop solutions for environmental and sociopolitical challenges. We generate impulses and ideas and bring innovations to market maturity with perseverance and strength. Find out here on which future topics EDAG is working. Let yourself be inspired by groundbreaking projects.


Careers at EDAG

Think anew, drive your ideas and grow in a work environment that challenges and encourages you. The automotive industry is changing. The question is: what do we contribute to the result? We are looking for people who are ready to go new ways, live knowledge and innovation and work together to shape the mobility of tomorrow.

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