Sustainable Vehicle Development

The industry is undergoing a transformation towards a sustainable economy. We help our customers to identify potential, to develop concepts and, of course, to implement them in the form of products and processes which have a low environmental impact. To this end, we take an active part in research into new technologies aimed at creating a sustainable mobility industry.

Life-Cycle Assessment

The emissions generated by the product are defined almost fully during the design and construction phases. For this reason, we go ahead and measure the environmental impact that can be expected during the various stages of development. Using established tools and others developed in-house, we can draw up a comprehensive assessment, and implement appropriate optimization measures. Whether you are interested in a design for recycling, in using renewable raw materials or redesigning the supply chain: we will use our abilities to assist you.

Circular Economy

Today, the entire product life cycle is actually planned when the vehicle is being designed. This also includes the time after it ceases to be used. Here, we are exploring new technologies that make for easier dismantling, with materials sorted according to type without compromising usability. We design components to have a particularly long service life, and also make plans for their reuse by means of remanufacturing or by recycling the material.

Lightweight Design in Vehicle Engineering

Vehicle engineering has always been driven by the need to reduce mass. Using our expertise in lightweight technologies such as structure optimization, additive manufacturing and composite materials, we have always been able to offer suitable options for any application.

New digitalized technologies mean that we can today achieve better results faster. To this end, we automate the development process, which leads to optimum results.

Bio-based Materials

How can we increase resource efficiency and at the same time reduce our carbon footprint? Bio-based materials make this possible, because plants absorb CO2 while they are growing. If this remains permanently absorbed throughout the cycle, we can create a carbon sink. We devise applications in the vehicle which are made from renewable resources, and also address structural applications here, in an attempt to produce bioplastics that are almost completely bio-based using plant fiber reinforcements.

Sustainable mobility use cases and research projects

Stefan Caba

Head of Innovation Area Sustainable Vehicle Development

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