Safety Engineering Services

Optimum safety from the perspective of machinery manufacturers and operators

We integrate product and production and support our customers in every phase of production engineering - whether in the planning and implementation of complete factories or individual production lines. This means that we are familiar with the topic of safety from two perspectives: as manufacturer and machine operator.

This know-how, which we have built up over decades, is available to you. Our safety engineering experts are always up to date with standards, guidelines, legal requirements and the state of the art. They handle the safe putting into use of machinery and manufacturing plant as well as occupational safety. Our experience ranges from the assessment of individual safety components to the validation of large-scale installations. We develop needs-based solutions in every form of standardisation and automation, from test laboratories and test benches through robotic assembly lines for the automotive industry to all types of special machinery.


All of our safety experts come from a practical background and have in-depth technical know-how as well as extensive experience in machine and system safety. We are independent and make no money from selling safety equipment. This guarantees you practical, legally sound, cost-optimised and reliable safety concepts as well as complete neutrality.

We do not sell safety components as part of our safety engineering services; however, we are very familiar with the market situation. Hence neutral assessments are the overriding principle and represent a building block for cost-optimised safety - both in concept creation and component selection as well as in safety inspections.


We also have development expertise in the field of functional safety and consistently comply with the safety standards IEC 61508, ISO 26262, ISO 16590, IEC 62061 and ISO 13849. We support you in the certification and development of customised electronic / electronically programmable safety components.
As a result, there is also a regular exchange with notified bodies (listed test centres, e.g. TÜV, professional associations or specialist groups).

Safety for machinery manufacturers

Manufacturing plant and machinery must be safe in accordance with applicable law. Placing machinery on the market therefore carries a high level of responsibility. Technical regulations and safety standards support the design of safe technology. It is also important for the designs to be suitably documented so that safety can be verified if necessary.

Early, consistent consideration of safety-related and economic aspects is essential - starting in the development phase. This is the only way to meaningfully combine aspects such as inherently safe design and the application of innovative technologies. Wanting to validate a finished machine with active safety components at some later stage is not the way to guarantee machinery that is cost-optimised, legally sound and available.


Our safety engineering services for machinery manufacturers:

    • Machine safety from conceptual design to implementation
    • Comprehensive assessments
    • Creation of risk assessments for machines and new technologies
    • Safety inspections of machinery and equipment
    • Creation of validation plans and checklists for series production
    • Evaluation of used machines
    • Design and calculation of safe control technology (mechanics, electrical engineering, fluid technology, electronic systems, programmable controls)
    • International safety standards
    • Safety coordination in large projects
    • Preparation of certifications and type tests
  • Not sure what safety standards exist or which versions are current? Wondering which regulations and standards may be helpful if there are no safety standards for your specific applications?

    Ask about our safety consulting agreement: we evaluate your machines and the technologies used. In doing so, we consider changes in directives, national law and safety standards. We tell you what this means specifically for your machines and organisation and whether technical adjustments are necessary. Under the safety consulting agreement, a competent contact person is always available to answer all your questions regarding the safety of your machinery.

Safety for machine operators

Machine operators have a high level of responsibility, because adequate workplace safety must be guaranteed in the interests of employees and the environment.

Our experts come from a practical background and have undergone intensive training in machine and plant safety. "Safety not only on paper, but also in real-life application" is the motto. We help to safeguard your occupational safety organisation and ensure safety at your workplaces: in a practical and legally compliant manner.


Our safety engineering services for machine operators

We support your efforts in the field of ​​occupational safety through:

    • Machine approval before initial start-up
    • Safety approvals after changes and additions to machinery
    • Safety approvals after changes in the law
    • Cyclical expert inspections in accordance with trade association regulations
    • Stop time measurements on presses and power-driven tools
    • DGUV V3 tests (electrical tests)
    • Force and pressure distribution measurements in human-robot collaboration
    • Comprehensive assessments (workplace / work equipment / work environment / work organisation)
    • Workplace-related risk assessment
    • Employee-related risk assessment
    • Examination of climate, lighting, noise, vibrations and physical stress
    • Concepts for improving ergonomics
    • Low cost measurements for guidance purposes
    • Expert measurements (workplace and personalised)
    • Concepts for cost-effective noise reduction measures
    • Operational support (trade and industry)
    • Hourly billing with activity reports
    • Advice on problems with health and safety organisations
    • Provisioning of company medical care
    • Creation of occupational health and safety plans
    • Occupational health and safety coordinator on construction sites with large-scale machinery / production lines / production relocations
    • Mobile and stationary energy efficiency measurements
    • Inspection of compressed air systems
    • Energy audits according to EN 16247 (our experts have a BAFA listing)
    • Energy simulations and production planning (process simulation)
    • Optimised energy consumption
    • Energy-optimised technology standards and specifications
    • Energy-optimised design (lightweight construction and CFRP)
    • Load profile visualisation systems and energy management systems

Seminars for machine safety & occupational safety

Fit for practice

Well qualified employees are essential if work is to be legally compliant and cost-optimised. Our safety seminars are designed to qualify and certify your staff in current matters relating to machine safety and occupational health and safety. In the one-day seminars, participants receive detailed information and precise instructions. Our seminar instructors are experienced engineers who are absolute experts in their field.

As technology progresses, so do safety standards also change. Get fit for practice, because any business that provides products or services to the market is liable!
Choose between our general seminars for business or hire us to exclusively train your employees. We would be happy to work out a customised plan with you.

  • To make things as easy as possible for you, we offer seminar dates throughout the year at various locations in Germany (and Austria on request). Seminars for Business training locations are: Fulda, Wolfsburg, Munich and Sindelfingen.

    • Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
    • Safety of Machinery according to EN ISO 13849-1
    • Safety of Control Systems according to EN IEC 62061
    • Electrical Engineering Requirements for Mechanical and Plant Engineering
    • Ordinance for Industrial Safety and Health in Practice
    • Active No-contact Safeguards
    • Safety Inspections and their Implementation
    • Safety in Integrated Robotic Manufacturing Systems according to ISO 10218-2
    • Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC applications)
    • Safety-oriented design of battery manufacturing plants
  • Looking for an expert seminar for your own topics? We would be happy to design training courses for you that are tailored to the requirements of your company. Contact our seminar manager Ulrich Hochrein and he will be pleased to provide a quotation for your seminar. All events can be held on your premises or in the form of a webinar.

    Interested? We look forward to making the employees in your company (even) safer!

Ulrich Hochrein

Head of Safety Engineering Services

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