Autonomous Drive & Safety

Next-level driving

Our mission: next-level driving – highly automated mobility involving all the senses. 

Autonomous driving and the all-round experience of integral safety in all driving situations are complex challenges. We develop the appropriate solutions, to make mobility as safe and efficient as possible and accessible to everyone.

High-performance & redundant:

The EDAG Group creates the platform for autonomy in traffic: from sensor technology and individual sensor control units to high-performance computing. Our range of services includes:

  • Requirements, design & unit engineering
  • Unit verification, integration & qualification
  • Service-oriented & zone-based architectures
  • Flash/boot loaders, drivers, software loading 
  • AUTOSAR stacks configuration & integration 
  • Diagnosis, execution management, persistence
  • Tool chain evaluation & implementation for various sensor types
  • Degradation & error handling concepts
  • Diagnosis & encoding data management

EDAG's great strength lies in the overall, simultaneous combination of technical and process-related expertise. This enables us to efficiently handle complex tasks for our customers, taking sole responsibility in accordance with the work contract. In this way, you benefit from our extensive simulation know-how and our experience in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning for self-learning autonomous driving.


EDAG Tech Talk

Our experts in conversation.

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Flexible mobility through functional integration

Our goal is fast, comfortable and, above all, completely safe automobile transport. To this end, we are pushing for maximum integration of the vehicle into an increasingly self-managing traffic and mobility system. 

Comfortable & safe: functions

    • Object identification
      • Software - module development & optimisation, e.g. traffic light identification
    • Object classification
      • AI – neural networks, training & test sets
    • Object tracking
    • Data fusion
      • Data fusion based on raw sensor data & at object level
    • Environment modelling
      • Maps with static & dynamic objects (grid map/SLAM)
    • Route planning
      • Environment interpretation, driving strategies
  • Informing parking & driving functions

    • Model-based function development
    • Software – modules for longitudinal and lateral control
    • Real & virtual test environments, test execution & optimisation
    • Measuring technology, test infrastructure & tooling 

In view: the vehicle and its entire environment

In sensor technology, we cover the entire spectrum of perception: from lidar (light detection and ranging) and radar, infrared and ultrasound to 3D cameras with ToF (time-of-flight) technology. 

We create the appropriate platforms, work with a combined spectrum of sensor technology and integrate the vehicle in a complex environment model. Added to this is the fusion of on-board functions, Car2X information and data from online geo-localisation.

In mind: sensor technology for maximum safety

We work with with you to provide high-performance, scalable and modular architectures. Redundantly designed, high-performance control units allow precise, reliable environment models based on merged raw sensor data.

In hand: Assistants for all traffic and life situations

The focus is on all all concepts relevant to integral safety. In particular:

  • Informing: traffic sign recognition (TSR), perception of fatigue or lane departure warning systems (LDWS)
  • Temporarily intervening: automatic  automatic emergency braking or emergency stop assistants (EBA)
  • Continually active: adaptive cruise control (ACC) und lane departure warning (LDW)

All levels of automation

When it comes to highly automated longitudinal and lateral control, the range of functions we offer includes the following:

  • Congestion assistants (e.g. in automation level 3 to 60 km/h),
  • Automatic parking and highway pilots, and
  • Systems for fully automated vehicle operation in compliance with the optional design domain

Throughout the entire development process, safety and efficient use of resources have top priority at EDAG. This enables us to join forces with you to shape the mobility of tomorrow.


We look forward to discussing your project with you.

David Münzing

Portfolio Manager

Further information

Tech Insights




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