EDAG Develops First Electric Car for Vietnam

EDAG, the world's largest independent German engineering service provider, has been awarded a contract by VinFast Manufacturing und Trading Company Limited for the complete development of the first electric vehicle for the Vietnamese market. The startup company of the Vietnamese Vingroup plans to conquer the auto markets in Vietnam and beyond with two conventionally powered vehicle models and a fully elec-tric city car. Top quality, affordable cars - this is VinFast's formula for success.

"We are proud that VinFast has chosen to appoint us as the overall engineering part-ner to work on their trendsetting electric vehicle project," stated Cosimo De Carlo, CEO of the EDAG Group. "Our all-round skills in vehicle and production plant devel-opment coupled with our expertise in the fields of eMobility, car IT and elec-trics/electronics inspired the confidence of our customer VinFast. Our standing as an independent engineering service provider with international expe-rience predestines us to go new ways at high technical levels and turn innovative con-cepts into marketable products."

About EDAG
EDAG is an independent engineering service provider working for the global automotive industry. The company has a global network of some 60 branches at the world's major automobile centres to serve leading national and international vehicle manufacturers and technologically discerning automotive sup-pliers.In addition, EDAG also offers engineering services in the vehicle engineering, electrics/electronics and production solutions segments. This extensive competence enables EDAG to provide its customers with all-round support, from the original idea to design, through to product development, prototype con-struction and even turn-key production systems. As an innovative technological leader, the company also has competence centres for ground-breaking future technologies for the automotive industry: light-weight design, eMobility, car IT, integral safety and new production technologies.

In 2017, the company achieved a sales volume of € 717 million and an adjusted EBIT of € 32.6 million. On 31st December, 2017, EDAG employed a workforce of 8,404 (including apprentices) in 19 countries.

PR contact:
Public Relations

Christoph Horvath
Press Spokesman of the EDAG Group
Tel.: +49 (0) 661- 6000 570
Mobile: +49 (0) 171- 8765 310 E-mail: pr@edag.de

ISO 27001:2013

  • IT-Security Management System

ISO/IEC 17025 

  • International standard for accreditation of laboratory tests 
  • Currently accredited tests: 
    • air bags 
    • stiffness 
    • climate change 
    • Photogrammetry 
  • International Standard for Quality Management Systems 

ISO 27001:201

  • first certified January 2018


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