The vehicle will be a completely new electric car with extensive functionali-ties in automated and autonomous driving. With integrated functions for all aspects of the "mobility" ecosystem, the vehicle becomes the „Next-Generation smart device“.
In this future-oriented project, EDAG is contributing a wide range of development scope in vehicle engineering. In addition to the interior- and exterior design, EDAG is particularly in-volved in the development of a high-tech lightweight body. This is specially designed for the requirements of an ultramodern electric vehicle with a long range. Beyond the technical chal-lenges, the flexibility and spatial cooperation of the developers also play a decisive role. A mul-tinational team at sites in China, Europa and the USA is pushing the project forward and im-plementing it in parallel.
„We are pleased to successfully implement this challenging project together with our custom-er“, says Cosimo De Carlo, CEO of the EDAG Group. „Particularly exciting is that we can bring our expertise as an international development service provider in almost its entire range. We combine our skills in classical engineering with our knowledge in lightweight construction and e-mobility. EDAG thus acts as a globally networked and innovative partner of the new mobility world.“
About EDAG
EDAG is an independent engineering services provider to the global automotive industry. The company serves leading domestic and international vehicle OEMs and sophisticated automotive suppliers through a global network of about 60 sites in major automotive centres of the world.
EDAG offers complementary engineering services across its Vehicle Engineering, Electrics/Electronics and Production Solutions businesses. Based on these extensive capabilities, EDAG can support clients across the entire value chain from the original design idea to product development and prototype con-struction all the way to the delivery of turnkey production systems. As a technology and innovation lead-er, EDAG also operates established centres of excellence that design landmark technologies for future applications in the automotive industry: lightweight construction, electric mobility, car IT, integral safety and new production technologies.
In financial year 2017, the company generated revenues of EUR 717 million and an adjusted EBIT of EUR 32.6 million. As at 31 December 2017, 8,404 employees (including apprentices) worked for EDAG in 19 countries.
Public Relations
Christoph Horvath
Press Officer EDAG Group
Phone: +49 (0) 661- 6000 570
Investor Relations
Sebastian Lehmann
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +49 (0) 611- 7375 168