Stress-free parking with the "trive.park" mobile app

The fact that the networked automobile world can already simplify and add to the experience of mobility has already been proved by trive.me - the startup company of EDAG, the world's largest independent service provider - with their in-house development, the "trive.park" parking app. Before he even sets off, the driver can use the app to book and pay for a parking slot in the car park of his choice, and communicate with the barrier system via Blue-tooth. Following the initial pilot phase in Munich, the app is now being tested in four more "Park One" car parks in the German capital, Berlin.

The "trive.park" app, which is currently exclusively available in the app store as a free download for iPhone users, enables the customer to book special parking offers and discounts in the car park of his choice for a precise date, with just a few clicks. This booking is directly input in the car park's software, guaranteeing that a space will be kept free for the selected period. Payment is effected by credit card. To this end, trive.me have integrated a certified payment system in the app. "A central element of our smart parking system is the communication between the trive.park app and the car park barrier system," explains Alexander Süssemilch, trive.me prod-uct owner. The barrier system is opened and closed via Bluethooth, straight from the app. The app solution means that drivers can avoid the hassle of parking tickets. This new form of smart parking is being tested in selected car parks, as part of an initial field trial that started at the beginning of 2018. Following Munich and Fürth, four additional car parks run by the car park provider "ParkOne" in Berlin are now being included in the field trial.

"The product trive.park demonstrates that the increasing digitalisation of the automotive industry is creating new business segments with enormous potential. In addition to our vehicle and pro-duction plant development activities, as international engineering specialists, we are continuing our dynamic growth in the field of mobility services, a fact which is highlighted by our current 'trive.park' project," explained Cosimo De Carlo, CEO of the EDAG Group.

About EDAG
EDAG is an independent engineering service provider working for the global automotive industry. The company has a global network of some 60 branches at the world's major automobile centres to serve leading national and international vehicle manufacturers and technologically discerning automotive sup-pliers.In addition, EDAG also offers engineering services in the vehicle engineering, electrics/electronics and production solutions segments. This extensive competence enables EDAG to provide its customers with all-round support, from the original idea to design, through to product development, prototype con-struction and even turn-key production systems. As an innovative technological leader, the company also has competence centres for ground-breaking future technologies for the automotive industry: light-weight design, eMobility, car IT, integral safety and new production technologies.

In 2017, the company achieved a sales volume of € 717 million and an adjusted EBIT of € 32.6 million. On 31st December, 2017, EDAG employed a workforce of 8,404 (including apprentices) in 19 countries.

About trive.me, an EDAG Engineering GmbH brand
The vision behind trive.me is "Driving 4.0" - the ingenious interconnection of driver, vehicle and environ-ment. trive.me offers the possibility of bringing together the automotive industry and the digital world. The startup company of EDAG, the world's largest independent service provider combines the expertise of experienced automotive developers with the spirit and imagination of software engineers, designers and networkers. For trive.me, the software in a car is the decisive driver-mobility interface, and not just a mere accessory. It is essential to the vision of Driving 4.0.

PR contact:
Public Relations

Christoph Horvath
Press Spokesman of the EDAG Group
Tel.: +49 (0) 661- 6000 570
Mobile: +49 (0) 171- 8765 310 E-mail: pr@edag.de
