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Due to their complexity and increasing weight, the potential of electrical systems in today's vehicles is now largely exhausted. However, the megatrends autonomous driv-ing and connectivity mean that demands on the sensors and customer features are likely to increase in the future. "Despite a truly spectacular display of innovations, it has not proved possible to minimise the weight and complexity of the wiring harness. What we need here is a radical change, the type of change, for instance, that the zone architecture could provide," said a speaker of a famous German premium manufactur-er at the "Vehicle Electrical Systems" congress held in Ludwigsburg on 13th - 14th March.

This is precisely where the concept study "Vision2025" of the Wiesbaden-based engi-neering service provider EDAG comes into play. Apart from the zone architecture, which could reduce the weight of the wiring harness by approx. 30%, EDAG's "Visi-on2025" also includes a service-oriented concept which, like today's smartphones, could facilitate the implementation of new applications and features in a vehicle throughout its entire life. EDAG's concept study systematically divides the vehicle into different geometrical zones, instead of the domains commonly used today. The zones are interconnected via the automotive Ethernet: this permits high data rates and guarantees real time ca-pability when using TSN.

The talk on the future of the EE architecture given by Gerhard Becker, Head of EE Vehicle Integration at EDAG, was a twofold premiere. Aside from the technical innova-tion, it was the first time that an engineering service provider was invited to speak in Ludwigsburg.
The presentation captured the spirit of the times. EE architecture was a subject that was also taken up by other speakers, from Roland Berger, Bosch and the University of Landshut for instance.

With "Vision2025", the EDAG Group addressed one of the most widely discussed top-ics in the industry. With its innovative concept, the engineering company successfully established its position as a partner capable of helping to shape the EE architecture for the vehicle of the future.

Further information:


About EDAG
EDAG is an independent engineering service provider working for the global automotive industry. The company has a global network of some 60 branches at the world's major automobile centres to serve leading national and international vehicle manufacturers and technologically discerning automotive sup-pliers.In addition, EDAG also offers engineering services in the vehicle engineering, electrics/electronics and production solutions segments. This extensive competence enables EDAG to provide its customers with all-round support, from the original idea to design, through to product development, prototype con-struction and even turn-key production systems. As an innovative technological leader, the company also has competence centres for ground-breaking future technologies for the automotive industry: light-weight design, eMobility, car IT, integral safety and new production technologies.

In 2017, the company achieved a sales volume of € 717 million and an adjusted EBIT of € 32.6 million. On 31st December, 2017, EDAG employed a workforce of 8,404 (including apprentices) in 19 countries.

PR contact:
Public Relations

Christoph Horvath
Press Spokesman of the EDAG Group
Tel.: +49 (0) 661- 6000 570
Mobile: +49 (0) 171- 8765 310 E-mail: pr@edag.de
